Sep 28, 2011


Be in depth:

Xenophobia: dislike of foreigners or strangers. 

Wisdom: the ability to make sensible decisions & judgments. 

Vital: most important for the existence of life. 

Versatile: Excellent in many fields. 

Tourism: The business of providing & arranging holiday services for people. 

Tangible: perceivable by touch. 

Success: The favorable accomplishment of an aim. The state of contentment while achieving something. 

Stereo type: repeated with out change. 

Sensual Pleasure: pleasures gained through senses only. 

Science: A systematic search & study of truth (A finding that can be established again & again is called science). 

Religion: One’s relationship with God & the people who share the same belief. 

Relative term: related to a person’s perception. Reflection: serious thought. 

Reading: Assimilation of ideas through written language.

Rational Thinking: Thoughts based on reason. 

Psychology: The study of the mind and the way of human behaviour.

Privatization: Change of ownership of an organization from the govt. to a private company. 

Prejudice: A strong feeling of like or dislike towards somebody or something not based on reason.

Precedence: A practice continued from one generation to another generation, without being questioned. 

Pollution: The addition of any harmful substance or energy higher than natural concentrations to the environment. 

Politics: Rule by the governed. The science and art of governance of a state. 

Philanthropist: The one who loves people. 

Personality: It is the combination of numerous elements of one’s psyche, physical appearance, intelligent quotients, emotional intelligence, attitude & aptitude. 

Perception: An interpretation or impression based on what one understands of something. 

Passion: deep interest, liking towards anything. 

Paradox: a contradictory statement. Oriental: relating to the east. 

Omnivorous: Eating all kinds of food. 

Objective Study: Study based on facts & not on emotions. 

Neutrality: state of being neutral/ impartial. 

Nepotism: Favoring one’s relatives over others, when others have merit to be considered. 

Nature: The physical power causing all the phenomena of the material world. 

Museum: A building where collections of valuables & interesting objects are kept and shown to the public.

Meditation: is an act where we do not act. 

Materialism: The theory that only material things exist. 

Marriage: A ceremony of union of man & woman to live together. 

Marketing: A process of creating a need for a product or service in the minds of people & satisfy the need even after the moment of sale & giving priority for 5Ps. (Place, Price, Product, Promotion & People). 

Management: An art & science of getting things done by others. 

Love: A positive emotion of living beings. 

Life: state of being alive, the process between birth & death. 

Liberalization: It is an off shoot of globalization in initiating enterprising activities. 

Legacy: A gift of property etc. from one generation to another. 

Law: An official rule of a country, etc.. that says what a person, company, etc. may or may not do. 

Juvenile Delinquency: Criminal tendency among youngsters. 

Jargon: technical word used in a particular profession. 

Invention: A thing designed for the first time. 

Intuition: A perception of truth of something immediately without reasoning or analysis.

Infrastructure: The basic structure of any system, such as roads, factories & power supply required for development.

Inanimate: things which cannot move. 

History: The branch of knowledge dealing with past events. The study of past events. 

Heritage: Tradition & achievement of a country. 

Health: The positive condition of a person’s body & mind. The state of being well & free from illness. 

Happiness: A positive state of mind of joy or contentment. 

Hallucination: The perception of sights or sounds that is not real. 

God: A being whom a group of people worships & who is believed to have the power to control nature. 

Globalization: The phenomenon of eradicating barriers for the exchange of products, services, etc. & developing commerce globally. Unifying economies globally for free movement of goods & services.

Feminism: The struggle for equal rights and opportunities for women as available to men.

Family: A set of blood- relatives living together. Extra sensory 

perception: impression gained through a sixth sense -other than the five senses. 

Etiquette: Manners observed in formal behavior. 

Ethics: A set of moral principles to enable a better life in society. 

Education: “Education is to empower & enlighten the qualities with in”, Swami Vivekananda. It is the process of learning. Education liberates. “Education is what remains in you, after forgetting what you were taught” B.F. Skinner. 

Dogmatic belief: Believing that only one’s faith is true or right & not prepared to consider other opinions.

Doctrine: Set of beliefs taught by religion and political party. Death: the end of life, the state of being dead. 

Culture: Totality of positive qualities of a group of people. 

Cultural Shocks: A state of confusion when exposed to an alien

culture. Criterion: standard of judgment. Crime rate: the rate of crime in a society.

Cosmopolitan: The one who is free from national limitation or prejudices. Convince to make people believe or agree with something. 

Conviction: strong belief. 

Constitution: Laws and principles to govern a state. 

Communication: means of imparting information. 

Cognitive abilities: ability to learn and understand. 

Civilization: An advanced state of human society in which, a higher level of culture. 

Celibacy: Remain unmarried after taking a religious oath. 

Celibacy: Remain unmarried after taking a religious oath. 

Carnal: of the body or flesh, worldly. 

Beauty: The combination of qualities that pleases the aesthetic senses. 

Audacious: to be bold or daring. 

Attitude: The approach towards people or something.

Assertiveness: the ability to say and do what one thinks is right. 

Art: Expression of human creativity in the form of music, dance, painting etc.. 

Aptitude: inborn talents. 

Ambiguous terms: terms of which the meaning is not clear. 

Altruism: Giving priority to the welfare of others. 

Aesthetic Sense: ability to enjoy beauty of anything. 

Abstract Terms: the term that can not be defined clearly.

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